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Please click on one category to display all respective test methods, analyzes and experimental studies.
Chemical analyses
- Acid solubility DIN 993-16
- Acid solubility 13063-2
- Acid solubility ASTM C 980
- Acid solubility DIN EN 12902
- Acid solubility ISO 8890
- Acid-decomposition Cr for atomic absorption analysis DIN 1233
- AES (ICP OES) DIN 51086-2 - general scan (all elements)
- AES (ICP OES) DIN EN ISO 11885-09 - Chrome (VI)
- AES (ICP OES) DIN EN ISO 21078 - B2O3
- AES (ICP OES) DIN EN ISO 21587-3 - aluminium, silicon
- AES (ICP OES) DIN EN ISO 51086-3 - Chrome (VI)
- Alkali resistance DIN 51103
- Atomic absorption analysis DIN 51083-6 Fe
- Atomic absorption spectroscopy DIN EN ISO 21587-3
- Chlorine content with IC EN ISO 10304-1
- Decomposition Bor (III) oxide DIN EN 21078
- Decomposition chrome DIN EN ISO 51086-2
- Decomposition Fe DIN EN 14719
- Decomposition for atomic absorption analysis DIN EN 51086-2
- Decomposition for XRF
- Decomposition for XRF SiC/Cr materials
- Decomposition several elements DIN EN ISO 21587-3
- Determination of ash content DIN 51903
- Determination of carbonat
- Determination of chlore DIN EN ISO 38405-1
- Determination of chromate DIN 38045-24
- Determination of fluorine content DIN 51084
- Determination of free lime DIN EN 451-1
- Determination of humidity - chemistry
- Determination of nitrogen DIN EN 12698-1
- Determination of nitrogen DIN EN ISO 21068-3
- Determination of nitrogen ISO 15351
- Determination of Pb, Cd
- Determination of shot content EN 1094-7 crushing procedure
- Determination of shot content EN 1094-7 stir procedure
- Determination of silicon carbide ISO 9266
- Determination of sulphur DIN 51085
- Determination of sulphur DIN EN 14720-1
- Determination of volatile components
- Determination of volatile components DIN 51720
- Determination of volatile components DIN EN 15402
- Determination pH-value ISO 10390
- Elution DIN 38414 part 4
- LOI loss on ignition ISO 26845 *
- Loss on ignition ISO 26845
- Powder preparation DIN EN 51001
- Press tablet XRF
- Pyrohydrolysis DIN 51084
- SI metallic Si DIN EN ISO 21068-2
- SIC Determination of silicon carbide DIN EN ISO 21068-2
- Soluble ionic contamination of blast cleaning abrasives ASTM D 4940
- TC total carbon DIN EN ISO 21068-2
- TC total carbon DIN EN 13137
- TC total carbon DIN ISO 10694
- Thermochemical evaluation per hour
- TIC anorganic carbon DIN EN 13137
- TIC inorganic carbon DIN ISO 10694
- TOC organic carbon DIN EN 13137
- TOC Organic carbon DIN ISO 10694
- X ray fluorescense analysis DIN EN ISO 12677 - semiquantitative *
- XRF chemical analysis DIN EN ISO 12677 *
Physical analyses
- Abrasion resistance ASTM C704
- Abrasion resistance DIN EN ISO 16282
- Bulk density and open porosity ASTM C-20
- bulk density and open porosity ASTM C830
- bulk density and open porosity ASTM C914
- Bulk density and open porosity DIN EN 993-1 - in puretol *
- Bulk density and open porosity DIN EN 993-1 *
- Bulk density and open porosity ISO 5017 *
- Bulk density by measuring and weighing ASTM C134
- Bulk density by measuring and weighing DIN EN 1094-4
- Bulk density of granular material DIN EN 993-18
- CCS cold crushing strength DIN EN 993-5 *
- Cold crushing strength ASTM C 133
- Cold crushing strength DIN EN ISO 1927-6 *
- Cold crushing strength DIN EN ISO 8895 *
- Cold crushing strength ISO 10059-1
- Cold crushing strength ISO 10059-2
- Cold modulus of rupture DIN EN 993-6
- Cold modulus of rupture DIN EN 996-6 loading deformation curve
- Cold modulus of rupture DIN EN ISO 1927-6
- Determination of consistency ASTM C 860
- Determination of consistency DIN 1927-4 - Virbro bulks refractory concrete
- Determination of consistency DIN EN 1089-3
- Determination of consistency DIN EN ISO 1927-4 - Heat insulating refractory concrete
- Determination of consistency DIN EN ISO 1927-4 - Self-flowing castable
- Determination of resilience DIN EN 1094-1
- Determination of workability ASTM C 181
- Determination of workability DIN EN ISO 1927-4
- Electrical conductivity - curing concrete / cement
- electrical resistivity ASTM D4940
- Electrical resistivity DIN 51911
- Electrical resistivity DIN 51911
- Gas permeability DIN EN 993-4
- Gas permeability ISO 8841
- Grain bulk density ASTM C357
- Grain bulk density DIN EN 993-17
- Hot temperature modulus of elasticity UNI, Cyl
- Hot temperature modulus of elasticity UNI, Cyl - double determination
- Hydration ASTM C 456
- Hydration ASTM C 492
- Hydration ASTM C 544
- Hydrogen diffusion DIFK 020
- loose bulk density DIN EN 1097-3
- Modulus of elasticity Cyl (RT, UNI)
- Modulus of elasticity dynamic DIN EN ISO 12680-1
- Modulus of elasticity dynamic ASTM C 1198
- Modulus of elasticity dynamic ASTM C 1259
- Modulus of elasticity dynamic DIN EN 843-2 - Procedure B
- Modulus of elasticity static DIN EN 843-2 - Procedure A
- Modulus of elasticity UNI, Cyl - Double determination
- packing density DIN EN 12902
- Particle size distribution DIN EN 725-5
- Pore size distribution DIN 66133
- Shear tenacity ASTM C 1292
- sieve analyses - DIN EN 66165-2 dry method
- sieve analyses DIN EN 66165-2 - wet
- Sonic velocity cold crushing strength
- Sonic velocity curing concrete / cement
- specific surface area DIN 66126
- specific surface area ISO 18757
- Tensile splitting strength ASTM C496
- Tensile splitting strength ASTM C496 Light-Weight Specimen
- Tensile splitting strength DIN 1048-5
- Tensile strength EN 1094-1
- Total porosity DIN EN 1094-4
- Total porosity DIN EN 993-1 *
- Total porosity ISO 5017 *
- True density DIN 66137-2 Helium method
- True density DIN EN 993-2 - pycnometer method *
- vibration density DIN EN 12902
Mineralogical analyses
High temperature tests
- PLC ASTM C210 24h Dwelltime 1500°C
- CO resistance ASTM C 288
- COR static finger test
- CORBL blistering test bubble / seeding potential
- Corrosion test alkali ASTM C 454
- Corrosion test alkali bethlehem test
- Corrosion test alkali hoeganaes test
- Creep in compression DIN 51053 up to 1700 °C
- Creep in compression DIN EN 993-9 - up to 1700 °C
- Crucible test 72h
- Cup test aluminum special Al corrosion test 96h 850°C
- Cup test aluminum Al total immersion test 168h 927°C
- Cup test aluminum alcoa - cement heating up to 1500 °C 72h
- Cup test aluminum alcoa - dense stones heating up to 1500 °C 72h
- Cup test aluminum Cirep immersion test
- Cup test aluminum special corus argon 120h 900°C
- Cup test DIN CEN/TS 15418 - heating up to 1500 °C soaking period 5h
- Cyclic refractoriness under load DIN EN ISO 1893
- Determination of cryolite resistance ISO 20292
- Dynamic finger test (Gebhardt)
- Electric conductivity high-temperature
- Exudation test (Gebhardt)
- Exudation test ARC glas test ASTM C 1223
- Exudation test Dunkl - TC - 11
- H2- Corrosion Test
- HABR hot abrasion resistance referring to ASTM C704
- HABR hot abrasion resistance referring to DIN EN ISO 16282
- Hot crushing strength 1400 °C
- Hot modulus of rupture DIN EN 993-7
- Hot modulus of rupture DIN EN 993-7 - loading deformation curve
- Hot modulus of rupture DIN EN ISO 1927-6 - unshaped refractory material
- Hot modulus of rupture ISO 5013
- Hot stage microscope DIN 51730 - 1750 °C
- Hot temperature friction wear
- HSM hot stage microscopy DIN 51730
- Induction furnace CEN/TS 15418 1700 °C
- Induction furnace fingertest CEN/TS 15418 - 5h soaking period
- LF thermal conductivity DIN EN 821-2 - laser flash
- Linear thermal expansion DIN EN 993-19
- Linear thermal expansion DIN EN 993-19
- Modulus of elasticity hot temperature ASTM C1198
- Oxidation test ASTM C 863
- Permanent linear change ASTM C 356 up to 24h Dwelltime 1700°C
- Permanent linear change ASTM C113 5h 1500°C
- Permanent linear change ASTM C113 up to 5h Dwelltime 1700°C
- Permanent linear change ASTM C210 up to 24h Dwelltime 1700°C
- Permanent linear change DIN 1094-1 up to 24h Dwelltime 1700°C
- Permanent linear change DIN 1094-6 up to 24h Dwelltime 1700°C
- Permanent linear change DIN EN 993-10 - up to 24h Dwelltime 1700°C
- Permanent linear change DIN EN ISO 1927-6 up to 10h Dwelltime 1700°C
- Permanent linear change ISO 2478 up to 5h Dwelltime 1700°C
- Pyrometric cone equivalent DIN EN 993-12 - 1600 °C
- Pyrometric cone equivalent DIN EN 993-12 >1600°C
- Refractoriness under load DIN EN ISO 1893 1700°C
- Rotary slag test CEN/TS 15418
- Rotary slag testing ASTM C 874
- Small stone formation (Gebhardt)
- STA simultaneous thermal analysis DIN 51007
- TC thermal conductivity ASTM C 202
- TC thermal conductivity ASTM C182
- TC thermal conductivity ASTM C417
- Thermal conductivity DIN EN 821-2 - thermal diffusivity
- Thermal conductivity DIN EN 821-3 - heat capacity
- Thermal conductivity DIN EN ISO 8894-1
- Thermal conductivity DIN EN ISO 8894-1 cross -array or resistance thermometer
- Thermal conductivity DIN EN ISO 8894-2 Hot wire method parallel
- Thermal conductivity ISO 18755 - heating up to 1800 °C
- thermal conductivity ISO 18755 - thermal diffusivity
- Thermal conductivity refering to Dr. Klasse
- Thermal expansion - dilatometer DIN 51045-2
- Thermal expansion DIN 993-19 - slowly heating up
- TSR thermal shock resistance DIN 51068 - up to 20 cycles
- TSR thermal shock resistance DIN 993-11 - up to 30 cycles method A
- TSR thermal shock resistance according Koltermann
- TSR Thermal shock resistance DIN 51068 - up to 30 cycles
- TSR thermal shock resistance DIN 993-11 - method B
- WST wedge splitting test